Thursday, February 28, 2008

This explains so much about so many people I know....

A USA TODAY Study found that: Spanking May Lead to Sexual Problems Later in Life

Here's the article I saw on Fox News:

Children who are spanked or given some form of physicial punishment by their parents may be more likely to have sexual problems as adults, a new study finds.

An analysis of four studies by Murray Straus, co-director of the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire-Durham, found that children who suffer physical punishment in the form of spanking, hitting or slapping are more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior as adults, it is reported by USA Today.

The study, presented Thursday to the American Psychological Association, suggests that spanked children also are more likely to be "physically or verbally coercing" to a sexual partner and engage in masochistic sex, including arousal by spanking, later in life.

Elizabeth Gershoff, an assistant professor of social work at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, who reviewed 80 years of spanking research in 2002 in the APA's Psychological Bulletin, said Straus' work appears to be the first to link spanking to sexual problems, USA Today reported.

Gershoff said that even though many children are spanked by their parents, future problems often depend on how the children process the experience and whether they ultimately equate love with physical pain.

So, here's my question....Were you spanked as a child and can you guess if I was? Leave your answer in the comments!

Side note: I asked if you were spanked as a CHILD, not if you enjoy it as an ADULT because don't we all?


Spammon said...

And this is what we pay our researches for...Yes I was spanked, but I have never had the notion to spank a child while doing 'it'. That's just weird and wrong.

House of Jules said...

Thinking of spanking a child while doing it? Whaattt?? That IS weird and wrong.

Besides that, was this article written by a 7 year old who had recently been spanked for bad behavior because studies like this (or rather, the funding for studies like this) where there are still things like cancer floating around irritate me.

Ok, enough of the seriousness, yes, I was spanked but my dad was so intimidating (as you know) that he really only had to spank us once; and after that all it took was a look. He's mellowed over the years, so that's a big YAY.

I already know all of your sexual proclivities (well, most of them anyway!) and vice-versa so I don't even have to guess on the spanking thing with you.

What I want to know is this: what exactly did these geniuses have to say about hair-pulling? ;)

House of Jules

Jen said...

I think there was some confusion about my side note comment. What I meant to say was, "let me know if you were spanked as a child by a parent as punishment for something non-sexual (like not listening or stealing). We all enjoy a little sexual spanking as adults, so that doesn't count towards the spanking experiences I was referencing." Does that clear it up?

texAAsgirl said...

I 'totally' undertand you now!


texAAsgirl said...

I'm unsure of the legal statute of child abuse, but this explains so much! I found your new theme song!

(Edited version)

House of Jules said...

TexAAsGirl: That is MY JAM! I love that song (thanks for the drunk-dial, by the way...!) and bought it when it came out last year b/c it reminds me of Closer, but less subtle. HA! I swear, I'll never forgive the lead singer of Buck Cherry for releasing that stupid, "I'm Sorry" ballad.
House of Jules