Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Jessie's Girl.....done and done!

Ah...there we were. A gorgeous bunch of thirty (cough) somethings out on the town to see Rick Springfield live and in person! He was playing at Billy Bob's Texas, the world's largest honkey tonk! I'm assuming in the world of honkey tonk's that is pretty significant. We started off at my house for pre-concert cocktails and munchies. Then, in an act of pure suburban domesticity, we hopped into D's mini-van and headed to Fort Worth to see our 80's idol.

Once we arrived, all bets were off.....we headed inside, secured our spot in the viewing bar and waited, waited, waited for the show to begin. The downside to musicians being late for their show-times is it gives the audience too much time to drink!

If I recall correctly, my ass even hit the floor at one point, but my memory of the evening is slightly fuzzy. I do know I watched Rick on the big screen to get a better view and drank waaaaaaaay too many beers....and yes, I sang Jessie's Girl at the top of my lungs (much to the dismay of the neighboring table).

Once the show was over, the girls piled back into the mini-van and bee-lined it to What-a-Burger for post-show greasy grub (this bad habit is becoming quite a tradition after a rockin' Girls Night Out).

D....you ROCK for driving! Thank you so much! We all owe you one, girlfriend!!

All photo credits go to D.B.


House of Jules said...

That last one is my new fave picture of you. Should be the cover shot on the book of your life story.
House of Jules

Unknown said...

YOU are sooooo COOL! And you put up the collage - sniff sniff - I am touched - really! : )