Saturday, May 24, 2008


The most amazing thing happened to me as I watched a wonderful woman die.....

OK, so who would volunteer to care for someone while they died? Right?

Yes, I'm one of the two that can take off whenever I want. Yes, I can be there in a heartbeat and be happy to do it. blah....blah....blah....

Let me inform you....I've had two children and I would have sworn that they were the most miraculous things that ever happened to me....Until I saw God take someone to heaven.

It was amazing. beautiful. peaceful.

All of us were surrounding her bed. Finally we had brought her home to die on her terms. She wouldn't have had it any other way.

Oh, Nanny.....GORGEOUS (that was my nic-name for her) watch over me, my husband and my children. Keep us safe, keep us remembering your spirit, keep us in God's light, help us remember that there is another world we can be a part of if we just believe.

And I believe.............

1 comment:

Melisa Wells said...

I'm sorry about your Nanny (Gorgeous!). How wonderful that you got to have this experience, being with her in her last moments.
