Thursday, May 1, 2008

A call to Action!

It's been almost a week since my last post! Wow! I've been a busy girl. I got over strep by attending a Jimmy Buffet concert Saturday, and pics of that wonderfully fun experience are coming soon!

OK, now on to what's on my mind today.....and I warn you, it's nothing pop-culture-ish or funny. It's a call to ACTION!

I've been wondering for several days as I impatiently wait for my Jimmy Buffet pictures (you-know-who-you-are) what I could write about in lieu of a run down of last Saturday's concert. I kept coming up blank. Nothing. Nada! I had nothing interesting to say about anything.

I scoured different web sites, both funny and serious. Nothing! I even started two or three posts, but still.....couldn't begin to tie any of my thoughts together.

What the hell's going on here? I've only had this blog for 3 months. I can't be tapped out yet!

Then it hit me.....I've had someone very close to me completely betray my trust and make me feel so angry I could punch the wall and another friend that is so down in the dumps, it's making me wonder about his mental stability. In other words, I'm being sucked dry (and not in a good way)!

So, I'm putting the call out to all my blog friends: I NEED SOME POSITIVITY SENT MY WAY. I NEED TO BE INSPIRED. I NEED TO SUCK SOMEONE ELSE DRY (Hey Ohhhhh) FOR A CHANGE! ;)



Spammon said...

Peter Pan

House of Jules said...

I know what happened the LAST time you asked to be inspired and I'm well aware nobody can measure up to that, but how about telling a story about the time you were a troublemaker and I was an angel. OH WAIT, THAT'S EVERY STORY INVOLVING THE 2 OF US.

I can't offer much more inspiration than the naked Javier Bardem photos you've already seen. Although Spammon's suggestion of that Peter Pan dude IS pretty inspiring. :)

Why don't I just give you my last fortune cookie fortune:
Something uplifting will come to you soon. {in bed}

xo, Jules
House of Jules

Anonymous said...

Picture it. You're sitting there being a supportive friend. You have a million things to do, but your friends have asked you multiple times to attend the spring concert of their vocal groups. You meet other friends there who choose to sit in the 2nd row. It's a perfectly lovely little event until - you get hit in the head when the tenor (who is illustrating just how he hits those high notes) throws a pair of spider man undies into the audience. As they slowly slide down your face and onto the floor you wonder - Why do I try to be a good friend? Apparently I exist to provide comic relief for the rest of the world. You're welcome.

House of Jules said...

Stacey: Was the tenor WEARING the spider man undies as they slid down your face?

You leave too many important details out of your stories.

House of Jules

Anonymous said...

Ok Eeewwww. And if you had seen the tenor, you would know why I am so incredibly happy that the Spidey Whitey's were just a prop. Because, honestly, if he had been worth it, the undies would have been flying the other way, if you know what I mean. And I think you do!

texAAsgirl said...

sometimes u get sucked, then u get to suck

sorry dahl....have a mahvalous day