Saturday, May 17, 2008

Calling all good vibes....

Nanny (my hubby's grandmother, and an amazing woman who I consider to be my grandmother) had a stroke. She's 90 and is struggling. When most people put out a good vibes request, it's usually the "get well" kind. This is a little different.

Nanny wants to pass on. We've had countless conversations about how she thinks God has forgotten her. She wants to be with her husband and daughter who died of cancer when she was 6. These conversations have always made me feel a little queasy, but now I understand.

Selfishly, of course I want her to be here forever. I know that's not possible. Death is a part of life. Now, she's in pain and is struggling, so I want her to be where she will be happy and peaceful. I want God to take her. I can not believe I just wrote that for everyone to see because it's so hard to admit, but it's true. The last thing I want is for her to lose her dignity or to suffer for even a moment, but that's what she's doing now and I hate it.

So, please my blogger friends.....pray/meditate or whatever you do that Nanny will be with her husband and daughter again soon, and that we, as her family, will be strong enough to let her go.


House of Jules said...

You know how much I know what you're feeling right now. Sending lots of love to you guys & Nanny. Safe trip... xo

Anonymous said...

I know what a hard thing it is to completely change your thinking that way, but you're right. They reach a point where they know what they want, and you realize that you want that for them. All my best thoughts for you guys and for Nanny.

texAAsgirl said...

I will pray for peace and comfort for Nanny.

I'm always here for you - just let me know if you need anything... kids, pets, house, whatever you need. I can also get to Austin in a flash. Just know that I'm here, even if just to listen. Love u!