Sunday, May 11, 2008


Today is mother's family always goes out of their way to make me feel special. My kids made me the cutest cards (my boy even cried as he was making it, overwhelmed by his emotions), served me chocolate covered strawberries, croissants, coffee and a mimosa in bed!

Then, we went out for an amazing brunch (more mimosas, of course) with my mom!

I love being a mom and watching my kids grow and flourish. They make my life so much more fulfilling and give every day a purpose. But there is one person who I owe so much thanks and gratitude to for teaching me what being a good mother is all about: MOM, I LOVE YOU!

Several years ago, I used to hear familiar words come out of my mouth and I would think to myself (eyes rolling), "God, I sound just like my mother." Now, I've learned to appreciate your wisdom and know that sounding like you isn't a bad thing, but a reflection of how your values are a part of me. I'm honored to pass those along to my children and know they will do the same when it's their turn to have a family.

Your influence is far reaching! We all love you, admire you and respect you more than you will ever realize. On Mothers Day, and every are a blessing!


House of Jules said...
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House of Jules said...

We do all love you, G.! You'll always be my "Ma". I hold a special place in my heart for you, and for your vocabulary. Mine would be lacking "Gauche" (as in tacky... not as in taint-- I owe THAT one to your daughter!) had it not been for us driving past the "So gauche!" flat-roofed house on the way to yours in 1986. Your legacy will last forever if Jen & I have anything to say about it! Lots of love from your other daughter!

Happy mother's day to you, too, Jens. I love watching your kids grow up and you know there's nothing I love more than hearing you "parent". Now, get ya cheese.....

House of Jules

Spammon said...

Happy Mom Day!

Taj said...

I hope that you had a wonderful Mother's Day! And your Mom too!

House of Jules said...

I certainly hope your mother read this post and the comments. She should already be aware that ignoring her daughter's blog is SO GAUCHE.