Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Oy Vay, the brisket was meshuga good!

Since I'm relatively new to this blogging thing and you're still getting to know me, let me give you a little history on me....Jen! I grew up a good (cough) Lutheran girl. Traveling through life, I've had little things come up that keep trying to convince me that I should be Jewish (or perhaps was a Jew in a previous life).


1. My first Jew, DR was a very serious boyfriend in high school who.....well, let's just say he was a piece of halvah! He was convinced I was a shiksa goddess (which, of course I am)!

2. My favorite way to have a bagel? Schmeared with red onion, a tomato slice, a few capers and of course....lox!

3. My oldest (in time I've known her, not her age) BFF: a Jew!

4. My new house has a mezuzza on both the front and side door.

5. Some of my favorite sayings: Oy, shmuck, shtik, shlep, chutzpah, klutz, kosher, putz! They just come out naturally. Plus I know a lot of other yiddish words (although I'm not so good at spelling them).

6. I love Challah (Holla!) bread and have a great recipe for creme brulee french toast that uses Challah (Holla!) .

So, if these tidbits aren't enough to convince you, this one will do it: I make a KILLER brisket. I made it tonight and it was so delicious, it was my motivation for this post!

In the spirit of giving, I've decided to share it with you because it's extremely easy, extremely good and if you don't try it Bist Tsedrayt.

Brisket Recipe:

1 (3 to 4 lb.) Brisket

1 (12 oz.) can of Coke (use only Coke, not Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Pepsi, etc). I tried to use something different once and it didn't taste anywhere near as good.

1 envelope of Lipton Onion Soup Mix

2 Tblsp. Hungarian Paprika

Put Brisket in a roasting pan and rub the soup mix and paprika into the Brisket. Pour Coke around brisket, cover with foil and cook in pre-heated oven for 3 hours at 350 degrees. Remove after 3 hours and let sit for 15 minutes. Cut across the grain into thin strips, place back into the pan juices, recover with foil and let cool. After a while, (this is the hard part) put it back in the fridge and reheat the next day for dinner as is, in the pan juices.



Melisa Wells said...

#7: Your oldest BFF's sister, The Princess~!

House of Jules said...

I, as your oldest BFF (and also Jewish), can attest to your supreme brisket making skills! Also, the fact that your oldest BFF came up with the phrase, "Your first Jew!" for D.R. makes it even more legit. By the way, I just came across one of your high school dance photos with your first Jew. Your floor length floral dress is GLORIOUS. You were a real fashion "maven".
House of Jules

Jen said...

@ Jules: Oh, dear Jeweh! I remember that dress....I was a fashion trendsetter even then. Isn't the high collar so me?

@ Melisa: I'm loving your new pic. I need to start wearing my tiarra every day ('cause in my head I do, so the whole world should see it, too)!

Jen said...

@ Jules: I forgot to mention....When I made the Brisket for you I used Coke Zero and it didn't taste anywhere near as good as when you use the real stuff. Of course I'd screw it up for a real Jew! Leave it to me!

texAAsgirl said...

I live a mile away & all I get is the recipe???? Love & admire those cooking skills! Now save me some grub!

Jen said...

@TexasGirl: I'll save ya some, honey!

Spammon said...

And do you love Hebrew Nationals? BECAUSE I FREAKING DO!!! Does that make me Jewish?

Don Mills Diva said...

Just stumbled across your blog and you DO make some compeeling arguments on why you should be Jewish...:-)

Jen said...

Spammon: Man, I totally left out the best kosher dogs on the planet! I think that makes us both Jewish!