Monday, March 10, 2008

Desperate times call for Desperate Measures!

I've never understood Amy Winehouse's appeal. Yes, she makes good music, but her train wreck-of-a-life has taken over any kind of affect her tunes may have on me. The hair and make up alone are enough to make me question her loyalty to her craft. I mean, does anybody that looks like that really want us to believe that the music is more important than the image?

Beyond the beehive and horrible take on Sophia Loren's cat-eyes, she married a drug addict/wife beater who looks like he should be named Skippy, not Blake.

After publicly declaring, "No, No, No" to rehab, she finally decides to quit smoking crack a few months ago after being publicly humiliated (?) by photos of her smoking a crack pipe in a London tabloid.

This is the newest Amy Winehouse headline: Winehouse shocks friends! Apparently, coke and meth are out and snorting vodka is the new thing! Can somebody please stop listening to her "No, No, No" pleas to stay out of rehab and lock this one up (maybe she and Brit Brit can share a cell)???


Spammon said...

I'd love to see a cage death match with her, Brittany Spears and Lindsay Lohan. I got my money on Spears, I think she's got crazy claws.

House of Jules said...

The hair and make up alone are enough to make me question her loyalty to her craft.

Brilliant! Couldn't have said it better myself!

House of Jules