Thursday, January 24, 2008

Not That There's Anything Wrong With That!

I received this text message this afternoon and found it rather disturbing.....

thought of u this a.m. when i heard lezbians want 2 b called "GAYELLE"s now. How gay is that!?!

Now, please keep in mind that I did not think it was disturbing that my friend sent me the text or that she thought of me when she heard this news. What's causing my discomfort is the term GAYELLE (if they're Southern do you call them GAY-BELLES?)!

Who the hell thought of that? I'm offended as a Hetero that a Lesbo would want to be called something so completely stupid and overly feminine. Not that I'm boxing them in the "butch" catergory, but the word conjurs up images of a gazelle bouncing around Africa. I get no lesbian images in my head when I hear the word GAYELLE. The poor animals must be mortified by this new terminology.

Now, when I Googled GAYELLE I got a huge, huge laugh at the irony of the Urban Dictionary's definition(s) of GAYELLE!

1. gayelle (this is the not-so-funny definition)

A community television channel in Trinidad & Tobago.A television station in Trinidad & Tobago - UHF Channel 23.
example: Did you watch the news on Gayelle Tonight?

2. gayelle
(now this is hilarious)!

An arena used for the sport of cock-fighting in the Caribbean. Persons would congregate in the gayelle and gamble by placing bets on one of the two roosters engaged in the cock-fight. the winning animal is the one left alive at the end of the duel.
example: Are you guys going down to the gayelle tonight?

Do you think the ladies wanting to call themselves GAYELLE's checked in to this before "coining" the new term? I'm quite certain if they knew the word referenced COCK fighting, they might reconsider!

Can't we just stick with the original? Yes, Lesbian can be an offensive sounding word (kind of like vagina), but at least it doesn't sound!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Did I spell gouche wrong? Is it with an a or o....I need to check my dictionary!

BTW....I released my blog to my friends today!