Tuesday, January 22, 2008

You've got to be kidding me!?!?

Somehow, Paris Hilton's opinions on parenting are news:
Paris Hilton is rooting for Britney Spears. "I wish the best for her and I just wish everyone would leave her alone so she could live her life," the 26-year-old hotel heiress-actress tells E! News. "She's a great mother and a great girl and I really care about her."
What a great example she'll be someday, huh?
I realize I sound like (gulp) Rosie O'Donnell, and believe me that is not something I'm proud of, but how are Paris's opinions of pareting newsworthy? Is someone really going to read her quote and think to themselves, "Gee, if Paris thinks Britney is a good Mom, she must be terrific!?"
Not to mention, if the paps left Britney alone she wouldn't know what to do with herself. She's totally addicted to the attention. She's become uber-famous for being a crazy loon, not because she has some very minor talent.
Maybe Paris is feeling a PR hit from her "I want to f_ _ k everybody" rant and is trying to gleen some positive publicity from her BFF?!?!

1 comment:

House of Jules said...

First of all, that is one of the prettiest pictures to dates of Brit Brit's weave and shows why her hair never looks brushed... because if she tried to brush it, it would surely FALL OUT. Secondly, I hope Paris starts giving her opinion on things like the war and AIDS in Africa because she really has her finger on the pulse of these weighty topics.

Your "A Hot Mess label is perfection.

House of Jules