Friday, April 18, 2008

There's the pot calling the kettle black!

I had a very interesting discussion yesterday with my friend Cindy about my Girl Scout Troop volunteering at the Relay For Life last night.....and it goes a 'lil somethin' like this:

C: "Who all's going tonight?"

J: "There'll be 6 of us. A few girls aren't able to make it."

C: "Is M going to make it?"

J: "No, and between us I am very frustrated that her parents can't seem to keep up with our schedule. Why be in GS if you don't participate in any of our service projects? Plus, we're constantly having to call and remind them of meetings. It drives me crazy! I have a very low tolerance for adults who need to be babysat."

C: Silence

J: "Hello?"

C: "OK, and what I do for you at Willhoite's Every.Friday.Night wouldn't be considered babysitting in your book?"

J: ....."Touche, my darling....touche! For the record, I don't like to babysit, but I don't mind being babysat. There is a difference."

C: "Tell me about it!"


House of Jules said...

So, what she's saying is that YOU can't keep up with HER schedule (at Willhoite's), and that right there? That's the reason I fear I will not survive our Key West trip.
House of Jules

texAAsgirl said...

See - it's like this..... We both start off strong, then one of us -ahem, me- switches to soda for the last hour. Why? Well, the main purpose is not to be the designated driver (although it's an excellent benefit), but rather to be care-giver / adult babysitter for my dear buddy Jen! It's ironic that her pet peeve is babysitting adults! On Fridays, I "get" to escort her to & from the restroom (women's or men's - whichever has the shortest line), protect her from Winnebago solicitations, keep her in a good supply of matches, hold her dancing spot on the fireplace hearth, and make sure she makes it home with her purse, lip gloss, credit card, a Whataburger with cheese - ketchup only - fries, and a coke with easy ice! I love the gal so much...she's like a lil sis to me!

So, Jules - that's pretty much the Tejas drill. However, in Key West (EYW) we each get our turn at being the babysitter & being babysat - - sometimes filling both roles in a single night!

Is it October yet????!!!!!! Get ready Sushi (Jen's favorite drag queen) we're coming in stronger than ever this year!

texAAsgirl said...

@Jules - One more thing, not only will you survive EYW, I've heard enough stories to know that you will thrive!

Jen said...

I can't wait for all the Jules stories that'll come out of Key West. As long as they don't include her kneeling at the white porcelain thrown and making promises to God we know she'll never keep!

House of Jules said...

Well, they might include the kneeling... OH MY GOD, I'm totally kidding.

Jen said...

Yeah, right! ;)

Mom 2 da Bunch said...

my M or the other M???

Jen said...

@ mom to da bunch: ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY NOT your M! You know who I'm talking 'bout, girl!!! Don't go getting all paranoid on me!