Monday, April 14, 2008

It wasn't like this in my day!

Not to sound like my mother, but times sure have changed. I found this on,2933,351171,00.html and as a mother of a 10-year-old girl, was very disturbed by it!

I purchased my first cell phone when I was 23 and thought I was the shiz nay with that bad boy (which now looks like a dinosaur compared to the cell phones we have now). And I remember my Dad having the old bag phone that was strictly for the car, but never in my wildest dreams did I think that kids would be talking on cell phones. This whole trend is ridiculous. My daughter has been begging for one for two years. There's no way in hell I'm getting my sweet, little chatter box a phone.....and not just because I'd be scared to death to open the bill every month, but if the new trend is for girls to send naked pics to potential suitors my poor gorgeous beauty is never going to get a phone!

This is what life would be like if my little one had her own cell phone!

I know, I know some kids actually need their phones so Mom knows when to pick them up from sports/after school activities, and that's totally understandable, but when kids start sending naked photos of themselves as a way of "flirting" somethings wrong.

What happened to cruising the mall and sneaking cigarettes in the loading dock? Can you imagine what our high school experience would have been like if we could have instantly communicated with our friends? Let me know in the comment section what you think would have been different if we had cell phones back in the day.....


House of Jules said...

You bring up an EXCELLENT point. For one thing, it sure would have been easier to get ahold of the older guys to tell them where to drop off our Bartles & James wine coolers. Back then we had to do the unthinkable and walk to their houses to communicate face to face. I can hear the Led Zeppelin playing in the background and smell the Chaps already.

House of Jules said...

...And by "Chaps", I mean the cologne, not the assless pants.

Jen said...

Sure you do......!!!!

House of Jules said...


Jen said...

OK, I just had a vision of the puffy sleeved phone you would have had and I could not.stop.laughing!!! Still, makes me giggle. Wonder if buttons would have hung from that puffy sleeved phone. I have to stop! My stomach hurts....

Spammon said...

Well when I was a senior High School, pagers made their entrance and were cool. The worst we could do was send '5318008' which upside-down said 'Boobies'.

Jen said...

@Spammon: I'm obviously a little older than you because we used to use our calculators to type out "boobies." Pagers didn't enter my world until college (and then only drug dealers carried then there, as no poor college student could afford such luxury).

House of Jules said...

@Jen: Figures that you'd bring up the fact that while every other girl was wearing cool boy-style Levi's jean jackets, my mom had to buy me the girly one with the puffy shoulders. I keep telling you that those buttons (with sayings) were my 'flair' and the attempt to distract everyone from the horror that was ME having to wear that awful thing. As for phones, you know I had that killer Gumby phone... but I had to buy it myself. I wasn't going to let my mom buy me one and end up with a puffy phone, as you suggest.

I just want some clarification on your response to Spammon: when you say no college student could afford such "luxury", are you talking about the pager or the drugs?

@Spammon: I concur with Jen (since she & I are the same age-- 12, apparently) but I have to say that we were less apt to do the 5318008, and more likely to do the 73558008. Boobless. Funny.

Jen said...

@ Jules: 73558008 spells (upside down, of course) boobssel! Cracking up!!
As far as the puffy phone, don't worry, mine would have a bolero tie hanging from it and a permed wig!

To clarify my point with Spammon, I meant both drugs and pagers!

House of Jules said...

I was never very good at math.