Sunday, November 30, 2008

My girl....

My kids know that I'm not down with store bought cards or useless birthday gifts. I prefer the homemade stuff that I can keep forever as a reminder of their sweet innocence (and refer back to them when their teenagers and hate me for no reason)!

For my birthday present this year my sweet daughter wrote me a letter. It brought tears to my eyes to watch my 10-year-old express her feelings as she recited the letter in front of my mom, my son and me.

I'm typing the letter here because I'm so proud of her (and because it's so cute to see all her mis-spellings....if you know my girl, you know spelling is NOT her strong suit)!

Dear Mom,

I love you sooo much. you are the Best Mom in the world. I know we get in fights But I love you no matter what.

When I am sic you are thare for me.

When I have any troubles like school you are still by my side incoruging me all the way to the top. even if i get an F :( you are still thare for me by my side. You will never giv up on me.

I have relized that when you punish me you are trying to teach me for the big world ahead of me. like when you cut my (cell) phone off you were trying to teach me responsability.

I am the luckies kid on the eirth. I have ben through some life lerning experenses with everything that has hapened this year.

Lastly I just want to say I LOVE YOU
(insert my kids name here)

Now THAT is the best present I could EVER receive! My cup runneth over.....

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