Sunday, November 30, 2008

For the Record....I thought it was great!

Britney's "For the Record" documentary just finished airing on MTV. I had mixed feelings about it from the moment I heard it was in the works. Would it be a laugh riot or a chance for her to really redeem herself? I can honestly say that she did a great job changing my mind about "Britney Spears" the woman .

Here are a few of my random thoughts on the documentary:

For just a brief moment, I felt sorry for her. People took advantage of her, she lost her focus, she got involved in the wrong crowd. She's no different from any of us. I've done all of those things, only it wasn't publicized. She's not tragic, just human and like the rest of us, doesn't have a little magic woman on her shoulder telling her how to handle a bad situation. Wouldn't it be great if we all had that, though?

She seems to have accepted that she must make amends for her past antics and while she misses her freedom, she knows that she is where she is in her life because of her own actions. That said, she doesn't seem thrilled by the idea of her "all work and no play" lifestyle. Her admission to being so lonely makes me think that her Dad being so involved in her life is still a good idea (in that it might keep her from going off the deep end again).

Her life is a circus (pardon the pun), but her talent created that. Her fans want more. She clearly loves her job and has accepted that her career dictates the craziness of the paparazzis that swarm her. She seems to understand that cyclical pattern.

The only thing I was really disappointed about was that she said "supermarket" instead of "groshery store."

I think she loves her Dad and has a normal relationship with him as a parent. Who wouldn't be annoyed if their parent was around all the time, but there seemed to be genuine love there from both of them.

I think she's lonely and hasn't realized that she doesn't need a man in her life to make her fulfilled. Hell she's not even 30 yet, and most of us don't realize that until we're closer to 40. I'm 36 and just now figuring that out. The sad truth is she'll never have a "normal" relationship, but she can, and I think will find love in her future when she is ready.

Her choreographer is amazing. Love his personality and he would make a beautiful drag queen (coming from me that's an enormous compliment).


House of Jules said...

Especially because of that last sentence, I figure you could sum up your opinion on FTR with 4 words, "It was very poignant." ;)

Jen said...

It really, really WAS poignant! Seriously!