Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Panic at the Disco (OK, it's not really a disco, but I'm still in a panic)

Oh Mah is so freakin' difficult to find a job right now. Of course, it doesn't help that I live out in the suburbs.

The economy? Also not working in my favor! Soooo many companies in my neck of the woods are still imposing hiring freezes.

Reliable back-up childcare? Actually, I have UNreliable back-up childcare considering the kids Dad hasn't stuck to a weekly schedule since he insisted on having them 2x per week (after school) 6 months ago!

And, my mother is moving back to Tennessee.

Too! Much! Anxiety!


Melisa Wells said...

Yikes! Oh my goodness, I wish I could say something that would be helpful. I can't think of anything except that I will be keeping my fingers (and everything else) crossed for you that all of this gets resolved not only quickly, but in the way you need it to!!!

Spammon said...

I heard the FBI is hiring 140,000 people or something. You may be able to get a job spying on, and/or killing people.