Sunday, August 17, 2008


I haven't written in some time. There's been a LOT going on in my life. My husband of 10 1/2 years and I are separated. He moved into a new apartment last weekend and this weekend he has the kids. I thought I'd enjoy it more....the kids being gone. I had these grand plans of spending time with myself. Thinking......taking a bubble bath......sleeping all day if I wanted.

Well, I did all those things. After a fun Friday night with the girls, I went to my daughters soccer game today at noon then came home and slept ALL DAY. I woke up at 7:30 pm and decided to putter around the house. I watched The Notebook (big mistake), cried then decided to go the bubble bath route. I'm not a bath person, so that didn't last long. I got too wrinkly too fast and the water was too hot.

Now I'm sitting here, smelling pretty, but sweaty from the water being too hot. My house is so quiet. No little girl sneaking downstairs 100 times asking for a snack. No little boy sleepwalking and ending up in my bed snuggling with me.

I'm not used to all this quiet, but I've promised myself that I'm not going to call my army of friends for support. I'm going to learn how to be with myself again. It's just harder than I thought.

I love my frirends and I know they're there for me whenever I need it, but I have to learn how to do this on my own. I have to learn to be by be be OK with just me again. It's been so long since I've done that.


House of Jules said...

I know yesterday must have been one of the toughest days of the past several months for you, but knew you'd get through it. The thing about finding yourself again is that all of us, your army of friends, are in a special formation. We've always been here for you but especially now, we're rallying together behind you 100% through all of this, here for you always and proud of you for the person you are and have always been.

Yesterday it might have seemed really quiet but we're here for you, and know that learning to be there for yourself again, to count yourself important to not just your kids' lives but to your OWN life, is the best thing that can happen right now. We're going to remind you of that, and how much we love you at every possible opportunity.

All my love and everything good,

PS- The Notebook? ARE YOU CRAZY? ;)

Jen said...

I thank the Loard every day for you! You make me smile....
Love you to pieces,

House of Jules said...

Backatya & "All Men"!

Melisa Wells said...

Thinking about you! xoxo

Spammon said...

There is only one thing that made it just shy of a good weekend. You forgot some Doritos and Mtn. Dew. I'd also throw in some peanut M&M's. The combination of all that sweet and salty stuff makes everything better.

Jen said...

@ Spam: Why didn't I think of that!!!???!!! The Cheetos seemed to work for Britney! ;)