Sunday, August 17, 2008


I'm waiting for my kids to get home. I'm so anxious......this is new territory for me! I miss them so much. Until this weekend I had no idea how much they've kept me sane over the last few years! OK, they drive me crazy, too.....but I love them so much!

They just pulled in the driveway! Now I can breathe!


House of Jules said...

YAY! I hope you stocked up on cheese. ;)

Stacey said...

You'll go through those weird points where you wonder what to do with yourself. It's strange when you're used to doing 8 things at once, and then you don't have 8 things to do. I also worry that I'll be that smell that the neighbor notices 4 days later if I choke on popcorn or something and nobody's here. So, if you need a back up when you get an uncontrollable urge to eat popcorn or nuts on those days when you're alone, I'm happy to be your check in phone call. Hang in there. :)

Spammon said...

Be sure ot get Gouda. It's the best cheese in the world. But if they are under 7, then Cheetos will suffice.